3 min read

GSOC 2017 Report

Project Synopsis

Project Goals

  • Evaluate which types of sparse matrices can be converted.
  • Write conversion functions and unit tests for convertible sparse matrices.
  • Add warning messages for unconvertible sparse matrices.
  • Provide documentation for sparse matrix support in RcppArmadillo.



The R package version RcppArmadillo 0.7.960.1.1 with enhanced sparse matrix support has been released to CRAN. You can have access to it by install.packages("RcppArmadillo") in R.


An initial version on sparse matrix support in RcppArmadillo is written by me, and Dirk updated it with the standard ‘Rcpp Style’ in LaTeX. You can have access to more readable vignettes here: Initial, Improved.


Although the end of GSOC approaches, I will continue to contribute to sparse matrix support in RcppArmadillo in the future. Recently, there will be a new compatibility for COO format in Armadillo, more sparse matrix conversion will be needed on the side of RcppArmadillo.

Moreover, time for me to learn more on sparse matrix algorithms and Rcpp. Hopefully, I can participate in other development or projects on them.


Quite a lot has been acuqired from the instructions and inspiration of Dirk, KK, James and many other open source contributors during this cool Google Summer of Code. Big thanks for their mentoring.